Count the number of words in an article
How to calculate the word count of an article or any text
- Go to the keyword calculator on our FebSeo website.
- Copy the entire text or article and paste it into the empty box.
- After copying the text and pasting it into the word counting tool, our tool will calculate the text and show you the result below.
- The tool will count words, sentences, and letters. Congratulations! You're done now...👍👍👍👍
Free word calculator
Calculating The Number Of Words Of Any Written Text
Reveal tools and techniques for word counting
Manual Word Counting - The Traditional Approach
- Read the text thoroughly, focusing on each word.
- Keep track of the count using a tally counter or a simple pen and paper.
- Pay close attention to hyphenated words, contractions, and numbers, as their counting can vary depending on style guides.
- Double-check your count to minimize errors.
Leveraging Word Processors - Built-in Word Count Features
Online Word Counting Tools - Convenient and Accessible
Specialized Software - Advanced Word Counting and Analysis
Specialized software empowers writers and content creators with a deeper understanding of their writing, enabling them to refine their style, enhance clarity, and produce high-quality content that resonates with their target audience.
Choosing the Right Method - Factors to Consider
- Length of Text ✅ For shorter pieces, manual counting might suffice, while longer documents benefit from automated tools.
- Accuracy Requirements ✅ If precision is paramount, specialized software with advanced analysis capabilities might be necessary.
- Additional Features ✅ Some tools offer extra functionalities like grammar checks, readability scores, and keyword analysis, which can be valuable depending on your needs.
- Accessibility ✅ Online tools provide convenience and accessibility, while word processors offer built-in solutions.
- Budget ✅ Specialized software often requires a purchase or subscription, while online tools and word processor features are typically free or included in existing software packages.
Best Practices for Accurate Word Counting
Why is word count so important?
Word count is crucial because it ensures your writing meets specific length requirements. It also helps tailor your content to your audience's attention span and the complexity of your topic.
What are the advantages of word count?
Using word count offers several benefits:
Staying on target 🎯 It helps you adhere to assignment or publication guidelines.
Conciseness 🎯 It encourages you to focus on key points, avoiding unnecessary fluff.
Clarity 🎯 By managing word count, your writing becomes more focused and easier to understand.
Content depth 🎯 For complex topics, a higher word count allows for thorough exploration.
How much does word count matter?
Word count importance depends on the context. Strict guidelines exist in academic essays or journalistic pieces. Creative writing, however, might have more flexibility as long as the story is effectively told.
What do you understand by counting of words?
Counting words simply means determining the total number of words in a piece of writing. It's a helpful tool for writers to gauge their progress and ensure they meet specific length requirements.
What's the point of word count in essay?
In essays, word count serves two main purposes:
Structure ✔️ It helps ensure your essay has a balanced structure, with enough content to develop your ideas without exceeding the limit.
Focus ✔️ By keeping within the word count, you're encouraged to stay focused on your thesis statement and avoid irrelevant tangents.
How does a word counter work?
A word counter is a tool that counts the number of words in a piece of text. It typically works by scanning the text for spaces and other punctuation marks that separate words. Some word counters can also count the number of characters, sentences, and paragraphs in a text.
What are some of the different types of word counters?
There are many different types of word counters available, including online word counters, software word counters, and even word counters that are built into some word processors. Online word counters are typically free to use and can be accessed from any web browser. Software word counters can be downloaded and installed on your computer, and they often offer more features than online word counters. Word counters that are built into word processors are typically the most basic type of word counter, but they can still be useful for quickly checking the word count of a document.
When should I use a word counter?
You should use a word counter whenever you need to know the number of words in a piece of text. This can be helpful for a variety of purposes, such as:
Meeting assignment deadlines ✅ Many assignments have a word count limit, so using a word counter can help you make sure that you don't go over the limit.
Editing and revising your writing ✅ When you are editing and revising your writing, you can use a word counter to track your progress and make sure that you are not adding or deleting too many words.
Proofreading your writing ✅ Once you have finished writing and revising your work, you can use a word counter to proofread your writing for errors. This can help you to catch any mistakes that you may have made.
Getting paid for your writing ✅ If you are a freelance writer, you may be paid by the word. In this case, you will need to use a word counter to track the number of words that you write so that you can bill your clients accurately.
What are some of the best word counters available?
There are many great word counters available, but some of the most popular include:
WordCounter 📌 This is a free online word counter that offers a variety of features, including the ability to count the number of words, characters, sentences, and paragraphs in a text.
Grammarly 📌 This is a paid writing tool that includes a word counter. Grammarly also offers a variety of other features, such as grammar and spell checking, plagiarism detection, and suggestions for improving your writing style.
Microsoft Word 📌 This popular word processor has a built-in word counter that can be found in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
Google Docs 📌 This free online word processor also has a built-in word counter that can be found in the Tools menu.
Are there any tips for using a word counter?
Here are a few tips for using a word counter:
Use the right word counter for your needs ✅ There are many different types of word counters available, so make sure that you choose one that has the features that you need.
Be careful not to count extra words ✅ Some word counters may count extra words, such as words in headers, footers, and footnotes. Make sure that you are aware of this so that you can avoid counting these words in your final word count.
Use a word counter to track your progress ✅ It can be helpful to use a word counter to track your progress as you are writing. This can help you to make sure that you are on track to meet your word count goal.
Don't be afraid to use a word counter to revise your writing ✅ Once you have finished writing your first draft, you can use a word counter to revise your writing and make sure that you are meeting your word count goal.